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Product images

  • Peytil 紺色の女 ポスター
  • Peytil 紺色の女 ポスター
  • Peytil 紺色の女 ポスター

Peytil 紺色の女 ポスター



デザイナーでありアーティストのEitil Thorén Dueによってデザインされたおしゃれでスタイリッシュな今北欧で大人気のPeytilのポスター。白い背景に濃い紺色で抽象的なシルエットが描かれています。北欧らしい独自性溢れるデザインのポスターは、黒やゴールドのフレームにぴったり。シンプルながら印象的なデザインのアートで1枚で飾ってもインパクトがあり、複数枚を合わせて飾ってもおしゃれな空間を作ることができます。Eitilの小さい頃のお母さんからPeytilというニックネームで呼ばれていたことから、Peytilをアート名にしたようです。

Artist: Peytil



Supplementary product information


Peytil is an art project from 2016 by Stockholm based artist Eitil Thorén Due. Eitil started his career as a fashion designer when he was 21 years old, but after a few years of working with strict guidelines, he felt a strong need to express himself in a more free manner. The result of this was Peytil - a personal and expressive collection characterised by its sharp lines and soft pastel colours painted in a graffiti style. The creative process leading to these stunning images is by mixing classic painting techniques with digital tools. This creative mix originates from Eitil's belief that there are two ways of creating minimalist art: you can either take the safe way in order to achieve a flawless result, or let your creativity take over, creating a more natural and efficient creation process with a much more interesting result. Inspired by street art, music and fashion, Eitil creates city life style portraits with a modern and unique touch.